Atikokan General Hospital
Facebook page: Atikokan General Hospital
120 Dorothy Street
Administration – (807) 597-4215
Extended Care – (807) 597-4694
The Atikokan General Hospital is a fully accredited 41-bed facility, offering emergency services, acute care, long-term care and a range of outpatient services. Health care services are provided to all residents of Atikokan and the surrounding area with a complement of over 100 employees, serving approximately 6,000 outpatients annually. The Atikokan General Hospital also houses the Community Care Access Program, co-ordinating home care and home support services.
Atikokan Community Counselling Services
100 Main Street
(807) 597-2724
As a branch of the Atikokan General Hospital, the mental health program at Atikokan Community Counselling Services began in 1978 with a focus of providing services to persons 16 years of age and older suffering from serious mental illness.
Social Services
25 Rawn Road
(807) 597-1431
The Town of Atikokan is located within the Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board (RRDSSAB) catchment area. RRDSSSAB provides integrated services including housing, children’s services and administration of the Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Programs.