Property Tax
How are Property Taxes Calculated?
The Town of Atikokan calculates your property taxes based on your property assessment value and the annual tax rates as approved by Council. There are two different components that are included in the combined tax rate; the municipal portion and the education portion. The Town is responsible for determining the municipal portion based on its level of required funding through the annual budget process, and the Province determines the education portion. This combined rate when multiplied by a business or residence’s property assessment, determines the annual taxes payable.
Visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) to learn more about your assessment. If you believe there is an error with your property assessment, you can appeal to MPAC.
If you’d like to learn more about the budgeting process and how tax rates are determined, please contact the finance department by calling (807) 597-1234 or emailing
How are Property Taxes Collected?
The Town of Atikokan’s property tax billing is split into two bills, interim billing and final billing. Both bills include two installments, so there are four installments due in a year but you will only receive two bills in the mail.
Interim vs. final billing: Because the Town does not set the budget for the current year until later in the Spring, the first tax bill is 50% of your previous years’ tax amount. This is the bill that is mailed in early March (a minimum of 21 days before the first due date). This bill will include your first two installments.
Your final billing amount is determined once Council passes the budget for the current year. Changes to the tax rate approved by Council through the budget process are reflected in this bill. Your final tax bill is mailed in early August (a minimum of 21 days before the first due date). This bill will include your final two installments.
Past Due Property Tax Payments
If your account has fallen past due and you are having difficulty in making your tax payments, please call the Atikokan Municipal Office at (807) 597-1234 or email Finance staff are also available to answer in-person inquiries at the Municipal Office located at 120 Marks Street.
Once your account is past due, you will be subject to penalties and interest of 1.25% per month. You will be notified through arrears notice letters. If your account exceeds being two (2) years past due, you may be subject to a tax registration lien.
A tax registration lien means that the property can be offered for sale by the Town after waiting the mandatory one-year waiting period. The minimum asking price (cancellation price) will be all outstanding taxes including penalties and interest, administrative fees, and any additional amounts which may be added to the tax account.
If you have had a tax registration lien placed on your property and the one-year period has not yet lapsed, you may still enter into a repayment plan by way of a formal tax extension agreement if approved by Council. It is important to contact the Town as soon as possible to avoid registration.
Due Dates
Each bill has two installments due on or before the following dates:
1st Interim | March 31 |
2nd Interim | May 30 |
1st Final | August 29 |
2nd Final | October 31 |
Make a Payment
The Town of Atikokan offers multiple ways to pay your property taxes. Please click here to learn more.