Office: 120 Marks Street, Box# 1330 Atikokan / ON P0T 1C0


2024 Holiday Schedule - Waste Management

Please note the following changes to garbage and recycling collection over the 2024 Christmas Holidays:

  • The route usually collected on Tuesday, December 24 will be collected the day before on Monday, December 23. Monday, December 23’s garbage collection will not change, but may be later due to two routes being collected on one day.
  • The route usually collected on Wednesday, December 25 will be collected the day before on Tuesday, December 24.
  • The route usually collected on Thursday, December 26 will be collected the day after on Friday, December 27
  • The route usually collected on Wednesday, January 1 will be collected the day after on Friday, January 2.
  • Recycling collection is not affected by the holiday and will be collected on Monday, December 23 and Monday December 30 as usual.

Pipeline Road Holiday Hours:

 The landfill will be open
Monday, December 23 – 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, December 24 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday, December 25 – CLOSED
Thursday, December 26 – CLOSED
Friday, December 27 – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm – the landfill will be open on this Friday only to ease excess waste collection over the holidays.
Tuesday, December 31 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
January 1 – CLOSED

Dump tokens can be purchased at the Atikokan Municipal Office (see holiday hours here) or at Esso, Northern Variety and the Atikokan Newsstand

The Town of Atikokan’s curbside garbage collection is provided by the Public Works Department. Recycling collection is managed by Circular Materials and provided by GFL Environmental. Atikokan’s waste management systems are operated in accordance with 06-24 – Establishing and Maintaining a Waste Management System

Collection Schedule

Residential recycling is collected weekly by GFL on Monday. Business and Institutional recycling is collected by Public Works weekly on Monday. Garbage is collected by Public Works weekly in accordance with the Collection Schedule.

The Town of Atikokan’s recycling program is managed by Circular Materials, the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Circular Materials has provided a Q&A document to provide more information on the transition, it can be viewed here – Circular Materials Q&A

For any recycling-related inquiries, please contact GFL at 1-807-577-0411 or

More information on recycling in the Town of Atikokan can be at:

For Holidays observed on Monday, garbage and business/institutional recycling collection will be the following Tuesday.
For Christmas Day and New Years Day, residential recycling collection will be on the preceding Saturday. For all other Statutory Holidays, residential recycling collection will remain on Monday.
For Holidays observed on Friday, garbage collection will be the preceding Thursday.

Battery Recycling Program

The Town of Atikokan has partnered with 360S Environmental for a new convenient battery recycling program for batteries 5kg or less. Recycling bins are available at the Atikokan Municipal Office, Pipeline Road Landfill, Atikokan Public Library, and Atikokan Home Hardware . If any other businesses are interested in becoming a drop-off location please email
View the information poster linked below, which explains more about the program and how to prepare batteries for disposal. If you have any questions, please email or call the Municipal Office at 807-597-1234.

Battery Recycling Program

Preparing garbage or recycling for pick-up:

  • Each household is permitted two free garbage receptacles (bags or cans) but may place two additional bags out for collection if bag tags are attached.
  • There is no limit on how many recycling receptacles may be collected, provided they fit the size and weight restrictions.
  • No garbage or recycling container can be larger than 121L in volume and 36” in height. Garbage bags must be between 50L and 120 L in capacity. The container or bag and any garbage/recycling it contains cannot weight more than 33 lbs (15 kg) for curbside collection.
  • Recycling bags must be clear or blue transparent bags.
  • Any garbage or recycling that does not readily fit in a receptacle (such as cardboard) will be collected as a bundle provided it is not more than 3’ (.09 m) in length and securely tied.
  • Bundles cannot weight more than 33 lbs (15 kg) for garbage or 10 lbs (4.53 kg) for recycling.
  • All garbage or recycling must be placed at the designated pick-up point no later than 7:00 AM on the day of collection.
  • Between the months of May 1 to October 31, no person shall place garbage at the pick up point earlier than 5:00 AM on the day of pick up.
  • Between the months of November 1 to April 30, no person shall place garbage at the pick up point earlier than 5:00 AM on the day of pick up, unless the garbage is stored in an Approved Container.

What can be recycled:

  •  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7 plastics, marked with the plastic # and recycling symbol.
  • Aluminum
  • Tin cans
  • Cardboard
  • Newspaper, box board, household paper, magazines
  • Styrofoam, if marked with the recycling symbol

What cannot be recycled:

  • Glass
  • Other plastics (not marked with recycling symbol)
  • Waxed products (milk cartons, juice boxes, soap boxes)
  • Gift wrap

Recycling Guide

Why wasn’t my garbage/recycling picked up?

  • Were your cans, bags or bundles placed at the curbside by 7:00 AM on the assigned collection day (Monday for recycling)?
  • Does your can, bag or bundle weigh more than 33 lbs (15 kg)?
  • Do you have more than two receptacles without bag tags? Are your bag tags affixed to the bag so they can be seen by the collector?
  • Are your recycling items contaminated or do you have items that cannot be recycled mixed in?
  • Dirty items or garbage will not be collected with recycling.
  • Are any cardboard boxes broken down and neatly bundled within the size requirements?
  • Have animals destroyed your bags


If your garbage was properly prepared for collection and still was not picked up or you have questions regarding your waste collection, please contact or call (807) 597-1234 ext. 236.

More information on recycling in the Town of Atikokan can be at:

If your recycling was properly prepared for collection and still was not picked up or you have questions regarding your waste collection, please contact GFL Environmental at 1-807-577-0411 or


The Town of Atikokan owns and maintains a landfill site located on Pipeline Road.

The Pipeline Road Landfill is located 4km down the Pipeline Road off Highway 622, about a 15-minute drive from Town.

We ask residents to use caution when driving on the Pipeline Road as the road may also be used by forestry operations.


Using the Pipeline Road Landfill

After arriving at the Pipeline Road Landfill, proceed to the landfill attendant. The attendant will collect your token and direct you where to dump. If you are dumping material that does not require a token, you will still need to see the attendant so they may inspect your load and direct you.

Hazardous waste materials (including light bulbs, batteries, hazardous liquids, etc.) will not be accepted at the Landfill.

Tipping Fees

Hours of Operation

Pipeline Road Landfill

Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed

2024 Holiday Hours

The landfill will be open:
Monday, December 23 – 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, December 24 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday, December 25 – CLOSED
Thursday, December 26 – CLOSED
Friday, December 27 – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm – the landfill will be open on this Friday only to ease excess waste collection over the holidays.
Tuesday, December 31 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
January 1 – CLOSED

Dump tokens can be purchased at the Atikokan Municipal Office (see holiday hours here) or at Esso, Northern Variety and the Atikokan Newsstand

The Landfill is closed on the following statutory holidays:

New Year’s Day
Family Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Civic Holiday
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day

*Staffing at the Pipeline Road Landfill on holiday weekends is subject to staff availability and hours may vary – closures are advertised on the Town Facebook Page, this website and in the Atikokan Progress.