Office: 120 Marks Street, Box# 1330 Atikokan / ON P0T 1C0

The Town of Atikokan’s Planning Department is responsible for all matters related to planning, land use, and future development within the Town of Atikokan. We work with the Planning Advisory Committee to make decisions and recommendations to Council on applications for amendments to the Town of Atikokan Official Plan, Comprehensive Zoning By-Law and other applications under The Planning Act. The goal of the Planning Department is to promote land use planning practices and policies which result in a community that is economically viable, sustainable and environmentally healthy by making efficient use of land, new and existing infrastructure, public services and facilities.

Book a Pre-Consultation Meeting

If you plan on submitting a planning application, we recommend booking a pre-consultation meeting with the Planning team. We will help you understand when an application is required, what development can be approved, what other approvals might be needed, and what you will need to include in your application. Contact us to book a pre-consultation meeting.

Official Plan

The Town of Atikokan’s Official Plan provdes a vision for the future growth of the Town and sets out a strategy for the use of land and land development within Atikokan. The goals of the Official Plan are:

  • Protect and maintain the quality of life in the Town, while providing oppourtunities for growth and development;
  • Establish policies which manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Town;
  • Secure the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents of the Town of Atikokan by controlling development that causes environmental, health, safety concerns and property damages;
  • Ensure the Town’s resources are rationally used and that both natural and cultural heritage features are protected while development oppourtunities are not overly restricted;
  • Qualify the Town for various programs funded by senior levels of government;
  • Provide policies that guide development that is environmentally compatible, supports sustainable development and minimizes land consumption;
  • Inform the residents of the Town of Atikokan of the policies that affect land development;
  • Provide a guiding framework for implementing by-laws and for decisions of local boards, comissions, committees and other authorities;
  • Provide Official Plan coverage throughout the Town; and
  • Provide policies that have regard to the Provincial Policy Statement in support of local conditions and circumstances.

Official Plan


The Town of Atikokan Comprehensive Zoning By-Law establishes the legal controls over what can be done and where within the Town of Atikokan. All development proposals must comply with the Zoning By-Law requirements. Significant deviations from the Zoning By-law will require an amendment. In the event that the proposal does not conform to the provisions of the Zoning By-Law, but follows the general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. Minor variances are considered by the Committee of Adjustment. All applications related to planning and zoning are subject to fees, in accordance with the Town of Atikokan fees by-law.

Minor Variance 
If your proposed land development does not exactly comply with the Zoning By-Law, but follows its general intent you can apply for a minor variance.

Zoning By-Law Amendments
If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not allowed by the Zoning By-Law, you may apply for a zoning change, also known as a Zoning By-Law Amendment. Council can consider a change only if the new use is allowed by the Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement. The process for a Zoning By-Law amendment is prescribed by the Planning Act and administered by the Planning Department in conjunction with the Clerks Department.

Comprehensive Zoning By-Law

Current Zoning By-Law Amendments

As per the Planning Act, any Zoning By-Law amendment applications are to be made available to the public for review.

File #01-2023 – 301 MacKenzie Avenue West

Notice of Zoning Amendment Meeting – MacKenzie Avenue

Public Meeting Agenda

File #01-2022 – Lots 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49, Plan SM201 with road frontage on Partridge Street and Dorothy Street

29-22 Amend Zoning By-Law Partridge and Dorothy Street

Notice of Case Management Conference – Town of Atikokan

OLT-22-004278 – Notice of Case Management Conference