Office: 120 Marks Street, Box# 1330 Atikokan / ON P0T 1C0

Making a Presentation to Council

Atikokan Town Council welcomes presentations from members of the public regarding matters that concern them, however, you may only address Council at a Council or Committee of the Whole meeting if you have been added to the agenda as a delegation. To submit a delegation request, please complete the Delegation Request Form and submit it to the Clerk’s Department no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Council or Committee of the Whole meeting you are requesting to attend.

Although rare, your request to appear before Council may be denied by the Clerk or CAO. If this happens an alternate method to have the subject matter dealt with will be explored.
For more information, please contact the Clerk’s Department.


Proceedings of Council By-Law

At the August 14, 2023 meeting, Council adopted a new Proceedings of Council By-Law. This by-law dictates the time and place of meetings, as well as Council’s conduct during the meetings, the order of the agenda and other important matters for Council to conduct its’ business.

30-23 – Proceedings of Council

Rob Ferguson

Board/Committee Appointments

Atikokan Police Service Board
Atikokan Economic Development Corporation
Rainy River District Municipal Association
Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board
Emergency Management and Civil Protection
Planning Advisory Committee
Atikokan Hydro

Office Phone: 807-597-1234 ext. 235

Jim Johnson

Board/Committee Appointments

Employee Relations Committee
Atikokan Police Services Board
Atikokan Cemetery Board
Atikokan Beautification Committee – Chair

Gord Knowles

Board/Committee Appointments

Employee Relations Committee
Atikokan Family Health Team
Atikokan General Hospital


Gord Martin

Board/Committee Appointments

Employee Relations Committee
Atikokan Economic Development Corporation
Steep Rock Rehabilitation Project
Planning Advisory Committee


Liz Shine

Board/Committee Appointments

Atikokan Museum Board
Atikokan Cemetery Board

Brian Stimson

Atikokan Public Library Board
Planning Advisory Committee

Provincial Representation

Kevin Holland

Federal Representation

Marcus Polowski

Constituency Offices:

Main Office – Thunder Bay
905 E Victoria Avenue Unit 1
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7C 1B3
Telephone: 1-807-625-1160
Fax: 1-807-625-1164

Fort Frances
271 Scott Street
Fort Frances, Ontario
P9A 1G8
Telephone: 807-274-4344

Parliamentary Address:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-3061
Fax: 613-995-3515

Mail may be sent postage-free to any Member of Parliament