Road Maintenance
The Town of Atikokan manages and maintains approximately 70 km of roads that we travel on every day.
To report a non-emergency road issue, please complete a Citizen Request Form.
For emergency matters, please call Public Works directly at (807) 597-2135.
How do potholes form?
With the shift from winter snow plowing to snow melting, conditions are perfect for potholes to form in the spring. Moisture seeps into the pavement and sub-base, freezes, expands, and then thaws – this ‘freeze, thaw’ cycle weakens the pavement. Traffic loosens the pavement even more, leading to the pavement crumbling and popping out. Potholes can develop on a daily basis when temperatures begin to hover around zero degrees.
Summer Maintenance
The Public Works summer maintenance program helps to ensure that our roadways are clean and safe through the summer months. The following services are included in this program:
- Street Sweeping
- Pavement Restoration
- Sidewalk Repairs
- Pothole Patching
Winter Maintenance
The Public Works Department works dilligently to ensure the streets of Atikokan remain clear of snow. Snow removal and sanding is done according to the priority sequence outlined in the Snow and Ice Standard Operating Procedure.
At the December 13, 2021 Council meeting, Council passed resolution 232/21, directing staff to discontinue the Senior’s Driveway Snowplow Service after the 2021/2022 season. As of April 30, 2022, all residents are responsible for the removal of snow ridges to allow passage into their property, these ridges (called windrows) may be left behind by a snow plow in the process of clearing the streets. Residents must also be mindful that it is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act to deposit snow from their property on to a roadway. Snow removed from a private driveway must be kept on one’s own property.